Bizpoint Social
Bizpoint - Connecting social networks
Bizpoint is a project that connects users and companies using Blockchain technology, AI technology (short for Artificial Intelligence), virtual reality technology (abbreviated as VR).
Technological solutions help companies reach thousands of customers every day at no cost.
Bizpoint brings a new generation marketing solution connecting users to Smart Marketing 5.0 businesses.
The application of Blockchain and VR technology. Combined with the user community ecosystem.
Bizpoint offers businesses a completely new way to reach users.
Businesses reach target customers and convert them into customers at almost no cost. The costs generated will be fully absorbed and transformed by the user community ecosystem.
Users will be able to access businesses in a more in-depth and selective way (no longer overloaded with information like Digital Marketing) and, at the same time, will receive bonus points for their Fortune Tiger interactions with businesses.
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Speed Run: Focus
Red Hunt: Sky Fire
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